FCHS Invitational
Golf (Boys V)
- When:
- Sat, Apr. 6 2024 2:00 PM EDT
- Type:
- Single Game
- Location:
- Floyd Central High School
- Directions:
- Search on Google Maps
- Opponents:
- Our Lady Of Providence Jr-Sr High School
- Seymour High School
- Madison Consolidated High School
- Bedford North Lawrence High
- New Albany HS
- Columbus North High School
- Corydon Central High School
- Franklin Community High School
- Evansville North High School
- Floyd Central High School
- Columbus East
- Results:
Varsity vs Corydon Central High SchoolVarsity vs Bedford North Lawrence HighVarsity vs Franklin Community High SchoolVarsity vs Evansville North High SchoolVarsity vs New Albany HSVarsity vs Floyd Central High School 391 - 325 (Seventeenth)Varsity vs Madison Consolidated High SchoolVarsity vs Seymour High SchoolVarsity vs Our Lady Of Providence Jr-Sr High SchoolVarsity vs Columbus EastVarsity vs Columbus North High School
- Articles: